Tuesday, December 28, 2004

And now this! Does the world not recognize the stupidity of their actions?

I say, fine. If you don't want Israel's help, then screw you. The added deaths of your people are on your hands.

Anti-Semitic #@&%.


One of my favorite columnists (and talk-show host), Dennis Prager, has a great year-end column today in the JWR.

I just found his radio show in WIND in Chicago, but he broadcasts from Los Angeles. Prager is an outstanding public speaker and a powerful voice for Israel. To find the radio station in your town that has his show, click -- HERE.

Also, I read an interesting take on the obituaries written about Reggie White, the football star who died Sunday. Michelle Malkin strongly criticizes the New York Times (what else is new?) and the Associated Press regarding their tarnishing of the players memory.

Once again, she is right on the money.

Speaking of obituaries, I can't say I'll be losing any sleep over this one.
Susan Sontag, an intellectual???


Along with Michael Lerner and Noam Chomsky, Sontag has proven to be among the worst self-hating Jews of our time. Aside from her consistent critiquing of Israel (I can not recall one single time where she was critical of the Arabs), her remarks following 9/11 - that America deserved the attack and that the terrorists who pulled it off were heroic - will go down in history as utter nonsense and vile.

Sontag's death should be remembered as a positive step towards peace in the world.

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