Friday, December 31, 2004

Imagine a western community paying tribute to Adolf Hitler by hoisting a statue to him in the town square.

Well, something just as disturbing is happening in Brazil. In the small community of Paraiba do Sul, the town will celebrate the new year by unveiling a life-size statue of Yasser Arafat.

Yasser Arafat!!!

The statue will include a marble map of "Palestine" (as if there is such a place) and a replica of the "Palestinian" flag, also in marble.

Unbelievable. Perhaps they will honor next year by erecting a monument to Osama Bin Laden.

To make matters worse, the Mayor of this town said that - within the next few years - he may commission the creation of a statue to Jimmy Carter.

How nice.

(hat tip -- Ethan Miner)

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