Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Oprah and Racism

Who does this woman think she is???

The Chicago Sun-Times reports that Oprah Winfrey was "humiliated" because she was denied entrance to a Paris jewelry store. Winfrey claims that she was turned away because she is black.

However, the "high-end" store, Hermes, claims that the store had already closed and that they were preparing for ''a private public relations event."

If denying her access is racism, does this mean that I can claim anti-Semitism whenever I want to go into a store after-hours?

Are the rules different because she's "Oprah"?

The best part of this story was a quote by Emil Wilbiken, former editor of Vibe magazine, regarding P. Diddy (what a name!!!):

"Puffy sends his people ahead to stores and shuts them down so he can shop
privately, so this kind of thing doesn't happen."

Would Oprah cry Racism then?

The article really is about the mistreatment of minorities by stores. I can not disagree that this problem exists. I have no doubt that their concerns are valid. But to compare what unfortunately is a problem (albeit a diminishing one) with what "Queen" Oprah experience just dilutes the seriousness of racism.

To further prove how outrageous and unbelievably shameless she is, her friend Gayle King, who was there, told Entertainment Tonight, ''Oprah describes it as 'one of the most humiliating moments of her life.'''

I guess she forgot that she was repeatedly sexually molested as a child and grew up in rural Mississippi at a time when Southern Blacks were treated like dirt.

Oprah is simply a self-centered, misguided and absurd "star".

What a waste of talent.

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