Thursday, September 01, 2005

After hearing from a few people about my response to "Yitz" regarding my Hurricane Katrina post, I thought I should clarify that I don't necessarily agree with his beliefs. I find it very hard to believe that the destruction in New Orleans (and nearby areas) was G-d's punishment for the US involvement in the Gaza disengagement.

I have to ask those of you who might believe that...

Why would G-d choose to punish the United States when they are the best friend Israel has. Wouldn't punishing Iran, Syria or any number of hostile countries be more appropriate?

Another "religious" take was that G-d was punishing New Orleans for being a "sin city."

I have to ask those of you who might believe that...

When G-d wanted to destroy Sodom, he offered Abraham the promise that he would spare the city if he could find even 10 righteous people. Are you trying to say that there weren't at least 10 in New Orleans???

I can not answer for why G-d does anything and neither can you. Being religious does not mean you know all the answers. Religion is a belief, not a science. These people should be ashamed of themselves for assuming they know why the city of New Orleans was devastated.

This goes for the religion of the left as well. Hurricane's have only been tracked for about 125 years - far too few to determine if this was caused by anything but natural hurricane cycles. After all. Hurricane Camille in 1969 was a stronger storm. Does that me the planet is cooling?

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