Thursday, June 01, 2006

Please continue to pray for Yechiel Mael. He had brain surgery yesterday and is not conscious, but is expected to by tomorrow. There is no way to tell if there has been any brain damage at this point.

Although I'm not the litigious type, I do have a new hero - Sgt. Peter Damon. Damon, an American who served in Iraq is suing Michael Moore for $85 million for allegedly using television interviews with Damon without his permission in the anti-war documentary "Fahrenheit 9/11" and gave a false impression that he opposed the war.

Damon, who's a strong supporter of President Bush, claims Moore misused the footage to portray him "in a false light" and as "disagreeing with the president about the war effort and as disagreeing with the war effort itself."

Well it's about time someone stood up against Moore's accusations. He has taken great license with the facts and has been protected Hollywood under the guise of "Freedom of Speech". Moore himself has stated that he sometimes fabricates the facts in order to present a better movie. But by winning the award for top documentary, the movie has been treated as fact, which is one of the criteria for the award itself.

Moore has become larger than life (no pun intended). Because he has been so vocal in his criticism of the President and the war in Iraq, he shouldn't be surprised that this would happen. I'm just surprised it took so long.

Moore's antics take the cake (pun intended this time).

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