Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Well, the banquet was a huge success. There was some bickering between some of the committee members before hand, but when it was over, everyone was happy (I think) and a bit relieved.

It took a lot out of me and I'm still exhausted.

What is it with Democrats?

Why must they criticize everything that the President does, when they are the same things his predecessor did?

For instance, all this talk about "wasting" $40 million dollars on the inauguration, when - according to the libs - it could have been best used for Tsunami relief.

I read a comment from a Hollywood actress commenting that the money should be used "for education and not frivolous parties for Bush's people."

I guess she couldn't finish her comment since she was being fitted for her gown for the "all-important" Academy Awards.

Then I read a letter the editor in the Chicago Sun-Times criticizing the President for wanting to reform Social Security. The basic premise is that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. The letter writer confessed he didn't vote for Bush, nor would he if given another chance.

Unfortunately, Social Security is breaking. In 1992, then-Governor Clinton used the escalating problem to attack Bush Sr. during the debates. Clinton, in his 8 years in office - did nothing to stem the tide.

One more question...

Why won't John Kerry just go away? Someone should inform him that the reason he lost was because his vision for America was one of pessimism and defeatism. Why on earth would he believe that he could win in 2008?

Senator Kerry - and the rest of the Democratic Party - better wake up and realize that their platform (as well as their candidate) was the reason they lost in November. If they continue to rally around nut-jobs like Barbara Boxer and Howard Dean, they will continue their downward spiral towards oblivion.

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